While maintenance of your system is simple to perform and important for you to be familiar with, we also know that life keeps you busy and maintenance can be just another headache - and NOT something you can afford to forget! That’s why we offer a Maintenance Service Program and Extended Service Warranty, to ensure that your FLD system is in perfect working condition if a wildfire strikes.
If something does go wrong, we'll be there to help you repair the problem or fulfill the product warranty on your behalf, saving you the time, money and hassle of having to find and hire costly repair teams or the task of crating and shipping your pump back to the manufacturer at your own expense.

By joining our Maintenance Service Program and Extended Service Warranty, our team will come to your property [3] times a year to perform a Full System Inspection to ensure that your motor and pump are primed and in ready & operable condition and that all of your sprinklers and lines are performing properly.
If we discover that something has gone wrong with your system during one of our maintenance visits, a repair team will be immediately scheduled to handle the issue. If it's a problem with your motor or pump which is covered by a manufacturer's warranty, we'll handle this claim with the manufacturer on your behalf - and armed with a regularly scheduled maintenance log to boot.
If a problem is discovered related to our installation or any of the lines delivering water to your sprinklers, we'll repair any issue for you, including all parts and labor, free of charge, for as long as you are enrolled in our yearly Maintenance Service Program.

*NOTE: Our Maintenance Service Program is only available to our clients for whom we performed the Design + Installation of your FLD system. Those who purchased products or systems from us, but opted out of our design & installation services, are not eligible take advantage of our Maintenance Service Program.